
Our latest Covid-19 update

He waka eke noa - we are on this journey together. 

Tēnā koutou, kia ora anō tātou 

Primary ITO is following the government traffic light settings to ensure we continue to protect the safety of everyone. 

We are currently in the 'Red' setting and our offices around New Zealand are closed to the public. 

Below is some more specific information on how we’re working under the Red settings.

If you have any queries, please contact us

Our team

We are ensuring our Primary ITO staff are following all the government guidelines for the Red setting. For staff working onsite at other businesses, this means they’ll also be following those businesses’ conditions – such as requiring My Vaccine Passes or not visiting the premises. 

Our learners

We are committed to supporting the learning of everyone enrolled with Primary ITO. Where we hold class days, learners are asked to follow the guidelines depending on where they are in the country. Under Red, only vaccinated people with passes can attend classes or venues. We will work with people without a pass to make online or alternative learning options available.

If you have any queries, please contact us

We understand that Covid-19 is a highly personal issue for many people. Some of the things we pride ourselves on as an organisation are our values around manaakitanga, whanaungatanga and mana motuhake. That means looking after our learners’ best interests, taking care of the relationships and providing great service. It’s important that we hold true to these at what is a challenging time for people making decisions about vaccination. 

To everybody we work with, kia ora anō tātou – best wishes and stay well. 

The team at Primary ITO