Food Innovation Training Trust

Supporting professional development in the dairy manufacturing and meat processing industries.

The Food Innovations Training Trust was established in 2010 and grants were made available from 2013 to assist the dairy manufacturing and meat processing industries with people capability development through training and educational initiatives.  

The Trustees include: 

  • Independent Director (current Chairperson) 
  • The current Chief Executive Officers and Chairpersons of the Dairy Companies Association of New Zealand (DCANZ) and the Meat Industry Association of New Zealand (MIA). 

The Trust is administered by Primary Industry Training Organisation (Primary ITO). 


To be eligible for a grant you need to be from an entity that is currently operating in the dairy manufacturing, meat processing or related industries. 

Download the application form [PDF, 95KB]. 

Funding criteria 

  • Funding is allocated evenly between the dairy manufacturing and meat processing industries. 
  • Entities from the dairy manufacturing, meat processing and related industries are eligible to make an application to the Trust. 
  • All levels of the workforce (prospective employees, new employees, general staff, technical personnel and managers) should benefit from access to grants from the Trust.
  • Funds are not to be used for the benefit of persons or vocational groups or in areas of business operations that were not serviced under the coverage of the New Zealand Industry Training Organisation at the time the Trust was formed in 2010. 
  • Applications must be related to an initiative that will promote and advance education and training in the New Zealand dairy manufacturing, meat processing or related industries. 
  • Grants applications will be more favourably assessed if they are co-funded. 

Quarterly reports must be submitted to the administrators of the Trust.  These are due on the last working day of each calendar quarter (31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December) in the funding year. 

Got Questions?  

Email and a member of the Trust team will be in touch.