Our governing bodies

We are led by energetic, committed experts. 

Key groups oversee, guide, and govern Primary ITO: the Board , the Stakeholder Council, He Kanohi Kitea, and Industry Partnership Groups (IPGs).

Our Board 

The Primary ITO Board is responsible for governing and monitoring our performance. It oversees our management of the Government, industry, private, and public assets in our care.  

Learn more about our Board 

Stakeholder Council 

One representative from each of the 12 Industry Partnership Groups (IPGs) make up the Stakeholder Council. The Council meets with the Board at least twice a year to present each group’s needs and viewpoints on industry training. 

He Kanohi Kitea 

He Kanohi Kitea is a four-member group of experienced and well-connected people in the Māori Primary Industry and Pasifika community. They are a respected that provide us with insight and advice. 

Their collective manaakitanga enhances our commitment to Tiriti o Waitangi and our collective desire to meet the needs of all people. 

Learn more about He Kanohi Kitea

Industry Partnership Groups (IPGs) 

The IPGs are the voice of the primary industry. They are grassroots participants committed to growing their sector and organisations. IPGs directly inform training requirements in their areas of expertise. This ensures we can deliver the most relevant and appropriate training programmes. Each of the 12 IPGs appoints a chairperson and representative to the Stakeholder Council.  

Learn more about our IPGs