Support for learners

We are ready to support your learning and help you to achieve your goals.

We support learners 

We are a dyslexia-friendly organisation and focus on helping you finish your training.   

Get in touch to discuss how we can support you.


Phone: 0800 20 80 20 

We can support you with resources

  • We use easy-to-read, dyslexia-friendly resources.  
  • We can send you resources in PDF format, so that you can use Read Aloud on your computer if you struggle to read. 
  • We offer useful advice in ‘Helping You Succeed' [PDF, 2.23MB], a booklet developed for Primary ITO learners. 

We have people to support you

We offer study nights in many areas. Primary ITO staff, a tutor, and a mentor  will be there to help you with your assignments. 

  • We have volunteer mentors who can help you with reading, writing, and organising. You can meet them at study nights, or at another time that’s convenient for you both. If there's no mentor in your area, you can meet one on FaceTime or Zoom. 

Read about our mentor Wendy Main and the impact she has made on our learners.

We can support you in other ways 

  • We offer free online dyslexia screening to learners who want it. Contact us for more info or to register for screening.   
  • We can help you buy a fully funded C-Pen Reader if the screening shows that you have dyslexia.  Watch a video about the C-Pen Reader.
  • We can ask your tutor if they can assess you verbally for some assessments, if you find writing difficult.  
  • We offer advice on using apps and technology to help with your reading and writing,. for example, speech-to-text apps, Microsoft Dictate, and Read Aloud.

Training handbooks

We have training handbooks for learners in different languages. These outline policies and services and explain how learning and assessment works.

Interested in being a volunteer mentor?

Have you thought about helping others in your industry achieve their career goals? If so, join us as a mentor.  Your support could make all the difference to our learners.

You could be an industry expert, a rural professional, or a literacy and numeracy expert. Or you could be someone who has time and empathy, and who wants help someone advance their career.

Our volunteer mentors support learners in different ways.  Mentors might help with reading and writing, offer tips on being better organised, or help them to set and achieve goals.

If you’d like to learn more about this rewarding role, read Wendy’s story and get in touch with us by emailing Learning and Language Co-ordinator Mel Weston. 

Check out our news story about our mentor Wendy Main

Join up as a Kaiawhina/volunteer mentor

If you can give a little bit of time to inspire, help, and motivate learners to be successful in your community, we need your help! Your rohe needs Māori mentors!

Our volunteer mentors are a special group of ‘aunties’, ‘uncles’, retired specialists, technical experts, graduates, employers, and whānau. They care about helping others with their knowledge, skills, and insights of how to get ahead.

“It’s got a lot to do with growth. It’s empowering our own people. Giving them what they haven’t been given.” Ahurangi Ranginui (21yrs) 2021

We can train you to be a mentor, help you connect with learners, and will reimburse you for any travel costs. You can find out more about being a Kaiawhina volunteer mentor.

Support your staff to learn Kiwi English

English Language Partners New Zealand supports your trainees to learn Kiwi-speak, from morning 'Hello' to the frequent 'Yeah, nah'!

The online programme can be very helpful to anyone unfamiliar with Kiwi slang. Training is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents, while others pay $320.

Let us know if you're interested. We will be in touch when there is a programme. Learners improve their English listening, speaking, and comprehension skills.

Topics include:

  • Learn Kiwi slang and workplace language
  • Understand your manager and co-workers
  • Learn to communicate socially in English

Find out more about the programme

Mel Weston – Learning and Language Co-ordinator

Learner Assessment Rights

As a learner, you are entitled to:

  • Guidance from your assessor about what you need to do to complete your assessment.
  • Support for your assessment needs, including alternative assessment methods. An example of this is reading and writing support for dyslexia.
  • Support from your workplace to build sufficient knowledge and practical skills through on-job training and coaching in preparation for your assessment.
  • Complete your assessments in any of the three official languages of New Zealand, i.e. English, Te Reo, or NZ Sign Language.
  • Timely assessment and competency feedback from your assessor.

Appealing Assessment Competency Outcomes 

If you believe your final assessment competency decision is inaccurate, you should first discuss your concerns directly with your assessor and / or Training Adviser. If they cannot resolve your issue, you can lodge a formal appeal using the form below. Primary ITO’s Academic Integrity Manager will investigate your appeal and let you know the outcome. 

Assessment Competency Decision Appeal Form

Please fill in all the information requested. This will enable us to process your appeal as quickly as possible.