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Leadership programme develops winery team

14 October 2022

Growing up in Bulgaria in a region where winemaking has been a way of life for hundreds of years introduced Marlborough winemaker Diana Katardzhieva to her lifelong career.

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Quality wine needs quality winegrowers – it all starts on the vine

18 May 2022

Primary ITO has responded to the wine growing industry’s need for a programme dedicated to their unique requirements.

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Horticulture apprentices create hidden gardens

2 December 2021

Wellington City Council (WCC) horticulture apprentices are showcasing their skills by creating seven themed gardens as part of the capital city's Hidden Gardens Project taking place from 20 November until 15 December.

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From learner to training his own team

8 October 2021

Kaia Kerrisk loves his job managing the Carrington Resort and Golf Course grounds with his team of turf specialists and garden managers on Northland’s picturesque Karikari Peninsula.

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Covid-19 brings career changes and opportunities in horticulture

11 August 2021

Covid 19 has disrupted life for many and for some it has been in a good way prompting a career change to work in the horticulture sector, something Auckland Botanic Gardens collection curator Pippa Lucas welcomes.

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Qualifications bring opportunity for whānau and whenua

21 July 2021

Ngāti Kuri iwi in the beautiful Far North descend from the founding peoples of Aotearoa’s northern most peninsula Te Hiku o Te Ika, where they cherish their whenua and put their mahi into looking after it and their people for future generations to come.

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Wrap around support opens the way for Māori tauira

30 April 2021

Starting the learning journey later on their mahi path is making a positive difference to the lives of two East Coast horticulture workers and their whānau.

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Study opportunity turns life around for young whanau

1 March 2021

Samantha Dhand has had a hard upbringing and never thought she could be successful at anything until she was introduced to a pathway of opportunity through studying horticulture at the Primary ITO.

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Creative streak sparks passion for amenity horticulture

3 August 2020

For Bay of Plenty-based amenity horticulture apprentice Natalie Holmes, it was her love of working with plants outside that attracted her to the industry.

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Why on-job training means engaged and enthusiastic staff

23 June 2020

Rainbow Park Nurseries has been growing plants and trees since 1977, and now supplies over 1. 5 million plants to retailers across the country from their 15-hectare nursery.