Pathways into Primary Industries Phase One report

5 May 2021

We are pleased to be recipients of funds from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) for a project called “PiPI” – Pathways into Primary Industries.

Through PiPI we aim to create a clear and concise learner pathway between school, lifelong learning, and employment, capturing career changers into the primary industries and supporting the COVID-19 industry recovery pathways.

We’re developing a framework with workstreams which we think will ease some of the barriers to entering the industry, while making it simpler for people to not just secure jobs in our awesome industry, but to gain lifelong careers and learning.

We expect that as a result of PiPI, the industry will have fewer barriers to entry, and higher retention rates leading to greater numbers of New Zealanders in sustained employment and training.

You can read the report from Phase One of PiPI here.