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Frankie Stevens 1 web2
Diploma study boosts Frankie's career and self-confidence

16 September 2019

There’s no doubt that dairy farming is a hands-on industry, but Frankie Stevens will tell you understanding the theory and business practices that underpin every farm is the real key to success.

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Primary sector Centre of Vocational Excellence a sign of confidence

16 August 2019

Primary ITO is welcoming the announcement that the primary sector will get the first of the Government’s new Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs).

Emma Crawford
Diploma programme life changing for farming couple

16 August 2019

Waikato dairy farmer Emma Crawford says training for an agribusiness diploma has been life changing for her and husband Josh, who are now reaping the benefits of her new skills to run a successful business.

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New chief executive to lead Primary ITO delivering for industry

12 August 2019

Experienced education leader Nigel Philpott is joining Primary ITO as chief executive, ready to lead the organisation through the period of change in vocational education.

Diploma study paves the way for self-employment

17 July 2019

Launching your own business takes confidence – something which Leanna Jay has in spades now she’s completed Primary ITO’s diploma.

Apprenticeship Images Sheep and Beef
Addressing a looming need for more trained shearers and wool handlers

1 July 2019

New “micro-credentials” in wool harvesting will help solve a critical need to train shearers and wool handlers, Primary ITO chief executive Linda Sissons said today.

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Primary ITO's supplementary submission on RoVE

24 June 2019

Industry-led, government-enabled, learner-focused

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Primary ITO receives Minister's recognition

17 June 2019

Primary ITO has received the Minister of Education’s seal of approval to continue its work as an industry training organisation.

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Small changes can make a big difference: Primary ITO and Corrections work on training

16 April 2019

A decision by the Department of Corrections to have Primary ITO training resources printed on buff-patterned paper will benefit prisoners affected by dyslexia and Irlen's syndrome.

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Primary ITO responds to Government proposal for the Reform of Vocational Education

12 April 2019

The primary sector is the largest contributor to the New Zealand economy but has the potential to contribute much more value-added growth if government and industry can collaborate effectively to upskill the primary sector’s 350,000-strong workforce.