New Zealand Certificate in Apiculture

Level 4


Level of study

Level 4

Cost (incl GST)



10 months. Start anytime. Includes a five day block course.


Learners must be employed in the sector.

*Programme part of Government’s Free Trades Training initiative which may mean a subsidised price.


Developed in conjunction with Apiculture New Zealand.

This programme is suitable for senior apiarists with management responsibilities. 

Learners will understand how to manage a variety of work outcomes including developing and implementing management plans, food safety procedures and a business strategy.

This programme takes 10 months to complete and you can start anytime.

The optimal start time is Autumn and learners will be required to attend a five day block course.

Graduates will be able to:

  • implement and monitor a seasonal beehive management plan
  • implement and monitor a beehive nutritional management plan
  • describe nutritional requirements and feeding regimes
    understand the role of bees in pollination
  • understand significant exotic bees, diseases, disorders, pests and bee management practices
  • understand the role of flowering plants
  • develop, implement and monitor a bee disease management plan
  • understand the production processes for beehive products
  • implement and monitor food safety procedures
  • analyse beehive management and make recommended improvements
  • analyse pest and disease management plans and recommend improvements.

Get in touch

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