New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture - Indoor Crop Production

Level 3


Level of study

Level 3

Cost (incl GST)

Full price was $1,173* Now only $586.50


14 months

50% off fees for 2024!**

Sign up in 2024 to receive 50% off your fees - applies to nearly all Agriculture and Horticulture Programmes. **Terms and conditions apply.


Learners must be employed in the sector.

* Vehicle units available at an additional cost. Programme part of Government’s Free Trades Training initiative which may mean a subsidised price.


Learners will explore more of the detail and science around steering an indoor crop through to a healthy harvest, be hands on, learning how to safely use agri-chemicals, spot diseases and pests and how to give and get the best through great teamwork.

Learners can complete this programme as the first year of a New Zealand Apprenticeship.

Learning outcomes

Graduates of this qualification will be able to:

  • work as an effective member of a team, including communication and interaction with team members and colleagues relevant to a role in the horticulture sector
  • apply knowledge of indoor crop growing systems and plant cycles to perform routine indoor crop production tasks.

Half price training fees in 2024!**

Sign up for training in 2024 and save 50% on the listed programme fee. ** Terms and conditions apply. For more information and to enrol: