New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Operational Skills with strands in Specialist Equipment or Infrastructure - Agriculture

Level 3


Level of study

Level 3

Cost (incl GST)

From $663*


7-8 months


Learners must be employed in the sector.

* Vehicle, machinery and agri-chemical units available at an additional cost. Programme part of Government’s Free Trades Training initiative which may mean a subsidised price. Get in touch to learn more.


Gain the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively carry out operational activities involving vehicles, machinery and infrastructure. Learning is adapted to fit with machinery learners use in their day-to-day role.

Learning outcomes

Learning will complement the business by equipping learners to:

  • complete a risk assessment and develop recording systems for primary industry machinery use
  • manage personal wellbeing when carrying out primary industry operational activities.

The rest of the programme can be adapted for use with any primary industry business model to fit with machinery learners will be using in their day-to-day roles.

Topics include the safe handling of agri-chemicals, setting up an irrigation system and the use of specific tools and machinery. Learners can also choose from chainsaws, and/or or vehicles they will be operating so they can be safe and confident in the workplace.

These include:

• Tractor
• Quad Bike
• Motorcycle

In addition to these, there are two specialist strands available:

Specialist Equipment – where learners operate specialist equipment for their primary industry operational activities such as a harvester, tractor drawn implements, agrichemical application equipment and more.

Infrastructure strand – to confidently carry out activities related to the maintenance of workplace infrastructure such as fencing and support structures.

Get in touch

For more information and to enrol: