New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Skills with strands in Egg Production, Hatching or Rearing

Level 2


Level of study

Level 2

Cost (incl GST)



7 months


Learners must be employed in the sector.

*Programme part of Government’s Free Trades Training initiative which may mean a subsidised price.


Perfect for those entering the industry, learners will learn about poultry heath, biosecurity, handling, wellbeing and welfare of poultry, and health and safety skills.

Topics covered:

  • health and safety
  • poultry health
  • biosecurity
  • poultry handling and wellbeing
  • postmortem
  • welfare requirements. 

Strands include:

  • egg production – collection and inspection
  • hatching – process and preparation
  • rearing – inspection and preparation.

Suitable for new entrants into the poultry industry including casual and fulltime workers, career changes, and those not currently engaged in training. 

Learning outcomes

On completion of this programme, learners will be able to:

  • identify healthy poultry and respond to signs of ill-health in poultry
  • carry out poultry site entry procedures and biosecurity routines in a poultry operation
  • drive poultry into a confined area
  • catch, pick up, carry, hold, and handle poultry
  • carry out poultry post-mortem procedures and recognise abnormalities
  • describe the requirements of the welfare code in poultry production
  • understand safe work practices.

Egg production elective strand:

  • collect, grade, sanitise, and store eggs for table or hatching egg production
  • enter and walk through a poultry shed, carry out inspections, and record environmental data.

Poultry hatching elective strand:

  • describe the steps in a hatching process in a poultry operation
  • prepare eggs, load incubators, complete data records, transfer eggs, and process day old checks in a poultry hatchery.

Poultry rearing elective strand:

  • enter and walk through a poultry shed, carry out inspections, and record environmental data
  • describe poultry house preparation for brooding and placement of day-old checks in a poultry operation.

Get in touch

For more information and to enrol: