New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Production Management

Level 5


Level of study

Level 5

Cost (incl GST)



12 months. Start any time.


There are a number of prerequisites. Please see below.

* Programme part of Government’s Free Trades Training initiative which may mean a subsidised price.


Ideal for Farm Managers, or people with several years experience, when learners finish this programme, they'll be armed with deep, detailed knowledge on all aspects of production management.

Learners will be able to make sound decisions to maximise production and financial returns, analyse production systems against industry benchmarks, have the knowledge to recommend improvement strategies for specific production systems, and develop, implement and monitor plans for feeding, breeding and animal health.

This programme takes 12 months to complete, and we recommend that learners hold the New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Level 4) Breeding Livestock.

Learning outcomes

Topics include:


  • Benchmark your farm against others
  • Identify farms with high productivity
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Identify and analyse strategies to improve productivity
  • Understand the cost implications of proposed strategies.

Production management

  • Develop agribusiness production goals, objectives and action plans
  • Analyse the results of production management action plans
  • Make recommendations for future plans.

Feed budgeting

  • Prepare a feed budget to achieve production targets
  • Identify contingencies for the feed budget
  • Determine options to manage a surplus or a deficit of feed
  • Understand ruminant digestion and how this influences feed options
  • Understand supplementary feeding and how to use it to achieve production targets
  • Implement a feed budget and amend in line with results.

Get in touch

For more information and to enrol: