New Zealand Diploma in Primary Industry Business Management

Level 5


Level of study

Level 5

Cost (incl GST)

* Prices vary depending on provider.


**Full diploma takes 2 to 2.5 years or can be completed in modules. See below.


Learners must have access to a functioning primary industry business, including financial records, production data, and a property/physical environment to evaluate. Some staff management responsibilities are preferred but not essential.

*Programme part of Government’s Free Trades Training initiative which may mean a subsidised price.


This programme gives learners an in-depth understanding of the core elements and functions required to run a successful Primary Industry business.

The full diploma takes 2 to 2.5 years to complete, and is broken up into module topics. There are four topic areas, followed by a final report. Learners may study one of these topics, or, work towards the full diploma by completing one topic per semester. There are three semester intakes per year and start dates vary depending on the provider in the learner's area.

Learners will acquire the skills to develop a strategic business plan and financial forecasts, understand environmental sustainability requirements, and develop a health, safety & wellbeing plan for a specific primary industry business.

Learners will also gain an understanding of capital requirements, tax implications, and effective ways to hire, manage and retain staff. Learners then tie all this knowledge together with a final report, using what they've learned to critique their business and drive it forward with confidence.

Download the diploma brochure.

Learning outcomes

Graduates will be able to:

  • develop, implement and review business plans for primary industry business operations to meet performance requirements
  • manage financial requirements using current and emerging technology to inform decision-making in a primary industry business
  • utilise increased interpersonal and leadership skills to plan, implement and review staff employment matters, work allocation, performance, health, safety, and well-being requirements in a primary industry business
  • plan, implement, and review the environmental sustainability requirements of a primary industry business
  • determine current business position and develop a strategic plan for the future direction of a primary industry business.

Key learning outcomes of each module are as follows:


Understand the right options for your business by speaking the same language as your financial advisor.

Learn how to prepare budgets and forecasts to assess financial possibilities.

By the end of this module learners will be able to:

  • analyse financial information and develop a financial plan
  • develop and monitor annual budgets, cashflow forecasts, and determine seasonal finance requirements
  • understand accounting including taxation, expenditure, valuation, accounts payable/receivable, profit and loss accounts, PAYE and GST functions of primary industry operations
  • understand financial KPIs, assess sources of capital and financial risk
  • prepare a finance proposal to grow (extend or diversify) a primary industry business.

Success is driven by your ability to apply a different level of thinking to decision making. Learn how to put plans in place to achieve goals.

By the end of this module learners will be able to:

  • determine values, vision, and set goals for future direction of a primary industry business
  • evaluate business and asset ownership structures, and consider succession/exit planning options
  • identify potential risks to a primary industry business and outline possible impacts
  • prepare a strategic plan for a primary industry business.

Stewardship of the environment has never been more important than it is today. Learn how to balance productivity and sustainability.

By the end of this module learners will be able to:

  • understand and manage physical resources such as soil, water, and waste
  • interpret data and analyse limiting or enhancing effect of available physical resources
  • describe management practices that enhance the sustainability of physical resources
  • understand regional and district authority regulations and compliance requirements
  • develop an environmental sustainability plan for a primary industry business.

Grow a team that will grow the business. Learn how to pick the right people for your business, supporting growth and improving staff retention.

By the end of this module learners will be able to:

  • recruit, select, and induct of staff for primary industry businesses
  • understand Employment obligations and responsibilities in accordance with relevant legislation
  • develop an induction and training plan, including workload allocation, and complete an annual performance plan
  • effectively build a positive team and manage conflict through increased communication and leadership skills
  • develop a health, safety and wellbeing plan to meet compliance requirements. 

Learners will bring together everything they've learned in their diploma studies to critically analyse their business and its future direction in this final module.

By the end of this module learners will be able to:

  • analyse and interpret data relating to financial economic, environmental and social risk factors, business development and performance
  • evaluate future opportunities for diversification and/or business growth
  • produce and present a primary industry business report.

*All other modules are prerequisites for this module.

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