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Ako leads Young Māori Farmer winner to success

9 July 2021

Ahuwhenua Young Māori Farmer of the year winner Quinn Morgan almost gave up on finding a job in Aotearoa in 2020 and was headed back to Australia to live with his young whānau when he landed a job on a dairy farm.

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Handsome Landscapers Apprenticeship Success

29 June 2021

Handsome Landscapes company owner Hadley Boyce was one of the Primary ITO's first graduates in the Landscaping Apprenticeship, under Primary ITO Training Adviser Jonathan Gradwell.

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New Vehicle short courses

28 June 2021

Are vehicles part of your job? Do your staff need vehicle skills?

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Returning to sheep and beef industry roots

3 June 2021

Sheep and beef farming is in the blood for Primary ITO training adviser Ginny Tocher, and she’s using her experience to help learners grow their careers on the farm.

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Musician reaches the high notes with petrochemical operations study

26 May 2021

High up on a ladder checking machinery in a North Island agricultural manufacturing plant, you might not expect to find a high achieving musician who trained for a decade with the world’s best at a famous European music academy.

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Meet Ohu - a great Trades Academy success story

21 May 2021

I was met with a huge hug from one of our fantastic success stories, the lovely Ohu Unga, a former Trades Academy student at Waiheke High School who is now working at Casita Miro Vineyard.

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Mentors ignite the spark for trainee success

10 May 2021

Canterbury dairy farmer and mentor Wendy Main loves helping others to develop a passion for working in agriculture and achieve their goals.

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How education changes will affect learning with Primary ITO

6 May 2021

The Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) is aimed at creating a system fit for the future of work, delivering the skills learners and employers need.

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Pathways into Primary Industries Phase One report

5 May 2021

We are pleased to be recipients of funds from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) for a project called “PiPI” – Pathways into Primary Industries.

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Wrap around support opens the way for Māori tauira

30 April 2021

Starting the learning journey later on their mahi path is making a positive difference to the lives of two East Coast horticulture workers and their whānau.