About Pathways into Primary Industries (PIPI)

A small yet mighty cog in a massive machine. Our mission is to facilitate and nurture partnerships that lead to purpose-filled careers and successful businesses. It’s all about paving the path to secure futures for New Zealanders and our industries.

The PIPI programme is designed to facilitate three key areas:

  1. Attraction

Making the appeal of the industry equal to its impact on GDP. 

2. Recruitment

Making darn sure that we get the right training for the right people in order to get them into the right jobs.

3. Retention

Keeping Kiwi talent committed to the future of New Zealand’s primary industries. Training, mentorship and support for learners, and connecting career-driven Kiwis with employers in NZ’s primary industries. 

PIPI is based on industry research

We’re not just doing this willy-nilly. Our programme is research-backed and designed to facilitate the attraction, recruitment and retention of Kiwi talent into New Zealand’s primary industries.

There are so many opportunities out there, both for people and businesses – but one of the main barriers to entry is that a lot of people just can’t see how a job in the primary industries turns into a career or business ownership.  They know it happens, they just don’t know how. We reckon we can change that.

Our key findings

We’ve spent a decent chunk of time looking into the primary industry pathway. You can download our report below, but here’s the quick version:

There are some tremendous opportunities in the primary sector, and we are really good at telling them to each other, but not so good at appealing to the hearts and minds of the people who are not yet engaged in the primary sector.

We know that everybody has something to offer, whether it be on job or in life overall, but by working together we can all flourish.
People need people, not just another platform.

The programme provides an opportunity for new entrants and/or career changers to understand the opportunities the industries offer, learn some of the intricacies of specific industries, connect with a mentor and employers to be supported in developing their employment skills while also being connected with a mentor. Finally, potential employees (and therefore potential learners) will be connected with employers and supported as they transition into the workplace.