Training - All Blocks

Here is the summary field

Content Block - with Title Displayed

Restricted width blocks are useful for when we have side navigation. And have tended to be used in our site more than full width Content Blocks.
They are also left aligned. Unlike full width blocks.

We can also have dividing lines like this (below)

A Table.

The formatting for a table is locked down to this greyscale look and feel. Remember to make the first row a 'heading' row: highlight it and go to row properties.

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3
Item a Item b Item c
thing 1 thing 2 thing 3

Message block with heading displayed

These are available in green, blue, orange, aubergine (reserve for when using quotes, only), grey. 
You can have bullets and links. As they are restricted width the text, headings, bullets are all slightly smaller than the content blocks. IF you have a displayed heading it will be BOLD.

You can have the background kowhaiwhai pattern or not.

And we intend to use these for Whakatouki throughout the site using this quotes feature too. That would always be in the Aubergine to keep them different to other message blocks 

A person block - could be used for people or for other things

nigel philpott FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsMjUwLDI1MF0

Their Name, Or another title

Their job title position or use this for a sub title

Horticulture Conference PITO SNAP Photography 152

Second person or item name

and the subtitle

Content Block: Full width block. It centres.

Here we have a full width version of a content block.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, malesuada ut nibh non, volutpat suscipit nibh. Phasellus vitae tincidunt erat, ut feugiat ante. Sed interdum sagittis molestie. Vivamus ut lectus ac arcu ultrices fringilla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum erat velit, ultrices a sollicitudin ac, euismod vel nunc. Etiam laoreet, arcu hendrerit facilisis ultrices, odio elit viverra dolor, vel tincidunt mi augue vel magna. Vestibulum 

Accordian Block: eg. FAQs This one is full width. You can have restricted width ones also.